MSA started as a faith ministry founded by the late Rev. Daniel Hiquiana. The Bright & Morning Star is Jesus Christ Himself and He is Wisdom. MSA is just a unique place where The Lord Is The One prominent and daily His Person, word and work are studied together with all academic subjects.
It all started in 1990 as a preschool but because of the need of the community the elementary started in 1997 and High school in 2006. MSA is housed in a church building and in a parsonage turned into a learning center.
MSA is situated in a 1,100 sq.meter lot in its name. When Pastor Dan went up to glory, Mrs. Hiquiana took the responsibility of continuing this school ministry which is a non-profit and non- stock institution and continues to be a faith based program.
The main thrust of MSA is to prepare girls and boys to live on this earth well-adjusted having taught them with excellence academically & in their character; and eternally prepare them by the Gospel of the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
Over the years, MSA has taught several young men & women who are now representing the Lord in the different fields in different places. (See some of the alumni testimonies) When the government permit for AsCEP church schools was cancelled many of the members including MSA filed for each permit to operate.
As the years passed our building structures which are made from plywood and bamboo started to fall apart. We seek the Lord in prayers then consulted mostly the parents, alumni and students about the present need. May this website find place in your heart.